Nicola Bischof

System Development and Interaction Design

A few years ago, I saw iart's interactive books about the artist Paul Gauguin. For me it was like magic! I wanted to know how they worked and where I could learn to design installations of this kind. The books were one of the reasons why I decided to study interaction design.

Nicola completed an apprenticeship as an application developer and then began studying computer science in conjunction with design and management. Fascinated by the possibilities of digital design, however, he decided to switch and studied interaction design at the ZHdK instead. He also worked as a campus manager and scout at ICT Scouts & Campus, where he ran an IT support campus for young people and gave workshops in schools to discover and support up-and-coming talent. After completing his bachelor's degree, he joined iart in 2024, where he works as a software developer and interaction designer.