Annemarie Schwarzenbach: Eine Frau zu sehen
The Media of the Temporary Exhibition

The video installation "Lebensfluss" (stream of life) by the artist Syl Betulius contains a collage of historical black and white photographs and films, music and spoken texts written by Annemarie Schwarzenbach and a piece of clothing hanging at the ceiling. iart was responsible for planning the media installation, tegoro solutions (since 2013 part of iart) for the technical realisation.
Schwarzenbach's own photographs from journeys in the Orient and the USA and portraits of her are shown in four combined projections on a ground of salt. Next to the row of pictures the costume of "The Rose Cavalier" is displayed. This was made in 1911 for opera singer Emmy Krüger – the mistress of Annemarie's mother Renée Schwarzenbach. And Annemarie Schwarzenbach wore it in the early 1920s, which becomes visible through pictures.
Museum StrauhofLiteraturhaus Berli
Holzer Kobler ArchitekturenAlexis SchwarzenbachSyl BetuliusVioleta Tschäppeler
Technical PlanningSystem DevelopmentSystem Integration