Media Factory
Permanent Exhibition at the Swiss Museum of Transport

For the Swiss Museum of Transport iart conceived and planned an interactive multimedia system on the operating methods and processes of television and broadcasting studios. The exhibition areas "Production", "Selection" and "Distribution" exemplify three steps in the production of TV programmes by Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen SRF, a Swiss TV and radio broadcasting station.

Among other media installations, a TV studio offers visitors the opportunity to become producers and moderators and to create their own TV shows.

All performances and productions are presented live on screens in the exhibition and can be saved to be accessed on the Internet. The producers decide where their content is to be presented. The bar code on the admission ticket makes it possible for the system to attribute the saved content to its producer.
This project was realised in collaboration with tegoro solutions (since 2013 part of iart).
Verkehrshaus der SchweizSRF Schweizer Radio und Fernesehen
Bellprat Associates
Technical PlanningPrototypingSystem DevelopmentSystem IntegrationProcess ManagementRequirements ManagementCoordinationInteraction DesignControlling