All We Need
An Exhibition on Needs, Resources and Fairness

For "Luxemburg 2007" (Europe's Capital of Culture 2007), iart and Holzer Kobler Architekturen conceived and realised "All We Need", an exhibition about needs, resources and fairness. The exhibition's central theme was the manifold interrelationships between our needs and the ecological and social resources available worldwide. Ways to achieve greater fairness at a global level were explored in the process.

In addition to jointly conceiving the exhibition with Holzer Kobler Architekturen and Plinio Bachmann, iart was responsible for selecting and procuring exhibits, for writing the exhibition texts, for the catalogue and for conceiving, planning and realising the exhibition media together with their content: sound, lighting, videos, multimedia installations and the audio guide.

With in-depth essays and a comprehensive artistic and philosophical collage of images and texts relating to the individual needs, the exhibition catalogue "All We Need" documents the exhibition and also further explores its individual themes.
This project was realised in collaboration with tegoro solutions (since 2013 part of iart).

Luxemburg Kulturhauptstadt 2007
Holzer Kobler ArchitekturenEmanuel TschumiHeller EnterprisesMaximum BricolagePlinio Bachmann
Technical PlanningSystem DevelopmentSystem IntegrationProcess ManagementRequirements ManagementCoordinationContent DevelopmentControllingAudiovisual Production
Photos & Video Footage
Paco Carrascosa, iart