
«Basel Info» Honoured at "Flâneur d'Or" - iart Developed LED Steles

In and around Basel, pedestrians find their way by means of centrally positioned signal boards and maps. Recently, they are all of one design: clear and concise, they show the way. The former system, which used more than 120 signs to guide pedestrians through the city, has been replaced by a compact orientation system that requires only 17 steles. At central arrival points such as the railway stations, the airport and the ship docks, there are large stelae equipped with LED screens. They were developed by iart and are used to display current information about events.

Basel INFO has just been awarded the "Flâneur d'Or". It was considered exemplary, especially in terms of its hybrid approach, which offers both physical and digital access to information. The "Flâneur d'Or - Pedestrian Prize Infrastructure" rewards projects that increase the attractiveness of walking. The national competition is organised every three years by Fussverkehr Schweiz, the professional association for pedestrians. The fact that our region has received three awards speaks volumes for the creative economy of Northwestern Switzerland.

You can find more information at: www.flaneurdor.ch: www.flaneurdor.ch

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